It takes a lot of effort to put a site out onto the web, but how do you know how well it’s doing? Web site analytics have never been more important as more and more sites hit the internet. Here are the 5 things you need to measure and monitor to make and keep your site relevant.

1 Measure Your Audience Reach And Impact.
You need to know how many individual visitors are visiting your site from a targeted audience and once there, how much they interact within the site. Knowing this will enable you to hone your marketing and learn how to keep visitors on your site.

2 Identify Your Traffic Sources.
A good analytics tool will tell you how visitors found your site, whether by search engine or by clicking through from an external link, where that link was and identify the keywords that search engines used to send visitors your way. Knowing this you can target your marketing and promotion to increase traffic.

3 Know The Average Session Time And The Bounce Rate For Your Site.
You've attracted the visitors but how long do they stay on your site and how many of them only view that one page that they landed on? knowing the percentage of single page visits out of the total page visits (the Bounce rate) will tell you how successful you are at keeping visitors and give you an idea how to make them stay longer.

4 Identify The Conversion Rate Of Your Site.
If you know the percentage of site visitors that perform a targeted action such as buying something, clicking through to another page or leaving a comment, you can adjust your marketing and content accordingly to boost your site's effectiveness.

5 Know Whether Your Site Is Giving You A Good Roi (Return On Investment) Be That In Actual Costs Or In Time Spent On Developing The Site.
Know your goals, know how many visitors you want to attract and how much it is costing you in hosting fees, time spent developing, updating and any associated costs. If you know whether or not you're getting that back you can refine your site to achieve those goals.